What Tools Do Dentists Use? 8 Essential Tools

What Tools Do Dentists Use

Dental tools seem downright terrifying in both sound and appearance. Do you know what tools do dentists use? Here is a quick guide to explain some common dental instruments, which should help you feel more at ease and less anxious.

Knowing what each instrument does may help you feel less anxious each time the dentist comes in contact with your mouth. Keep reading, we have listed the most commonly used dental tools.

8 Essential Tools That Dentists Use

Dentists complete their work with a variety of surgical tools, just like doctors need a stethoscope and artists a brush. Here are some of the dental tools you should know:

Mouth Mirror

Of all the dental tools, this one is probably the least frightening, but it’s still significant. Small mirror mounted on metal stick serves as the mouth mirror. This tool serves two purposes. First of all, it enables the dentist to see areas of the mouth that would typically require physical bending. This makes it simpler to detect oral issues like tooth decay or other potential issues that might otherwise go unnoticed. Second, it provides the dentist with a simple way to move your tongue or press against the inside of your cheek without using their hands.


While a sickle probe works well for removing small patches of tartar and plaque, scalers are more necessary for removing a larger buildup. While everyone eventually develops some form of plaque buildup, patients who need scaling typically have more severe periodontal disease problems.

When you eat or drink, bacteria grows on your teeth as a result of small particles like sugars and acids sticking to them. Eventually, this dangerous bacteria leads to tooth decay, and while brushing and flossing help remove the majority of this plaque, sometimes additional removal is necessary. While a scaler doesn’t always feel comfortable, it will keep your teeth from decaying. A scaler scrapes off excess plaque.

Sickle Probe

Sickle Probe

Alternatively called the dental explorer. It helps identify early signs of gum disease or cavities. It has a long handle that ends in a hook that appears to be sharp. The sickle probe probes the spaces in between the teeth and removes plaque and tartar. It is a dental instrument used in preventive care.

Saliva Ejector Or Suction Device

You can remove saliva from your mouth with this long tube that is connected to a vacuum. When inspecting your mouth, dentists frequently require a dry surface. You may hear vacuum sounds once it is used and you might even feel the device stick to your tongue or cheek, but that is something you don’t have to worry about.

Dental Syringe

The dental syringe is used to inject local anesthetic to numb your teeth and gums so that your dentist can perform procedures that might otherwise be uncomfortable for you. Additionally, syringes are used to dry your mouth with air or water, depending on what procedure calls for. Syringe administration can be uncomfortable, but this usually passes quickly.

Dental Drill

Dental Drill

The dental drill is presumably the tool that people are most afraid of. Some patients can go into a frenzy at the mere sound of it. But before filling a cavity, it’s the best way to get rid of tooth decay. With water squirting into your mouth, this electric drill spins at over 250,000 rpm. Without water, the drill would heat up to the point where it would harm the tooth. When you receive a local anesthetic, the dental drill is typically not painful, despite the fact that it can feel uncomfortable due to vibrations on your teeth.


Your dentist might need to take a mold (or mold) of your teeth if you need a crown, cap, or mouthguard. Although they are tiny frames filled with a soft substance that are placed in your mouth, these molds are nothing to be afraid of. Biting down creates an exact mold of your teeth. Although the taste of the molding material isn’t great, you can get by with it for a few seconds, and some dentists even offer flavor-infused options for children of all ages.

You no longer need to hide under a blanket of fear, or under any blanket for that matter, now that you are a little more aware of the tools used in typical dental procedures. These instruments are safe in the hands of your dental professionals, and the ones that look or sound threatening are usually countered by something that will keep you comfortable, like an anesthetic. By demonstrating how much you understand about each instrument, you might even dazzle your dentist.


Clinics frequently choose to sterilise surgical instruments inside of an autoclave to ensure the safety and hygienic of medical procedures. To eliminate bacteria and cells adhering to dental products and tools, this equipment uses high heat or steam.

Read More: What Tools Do Nurses Use?

Final Words on What Tools Do Dentists Use

Dental tools facilitate dentists to do everything. No matter if you are checking your teeth or regularly fixing it.

Your teeth’s deep cavities or accumulating tartar are treated by dentists using top-notch medical equipment. All dental procedures are made dependable and effective by using these tools.

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